Terms of Use
By registering for free with CPR Certification Pro you must first agree to the terms of use on this page. If you do not accept the terms, you may not use the services. By checking “I agree to the terms of use” you are stating that you agree to the terms in this document.


Liability Limitation
CPR Certification Pro does not accept liability for losses or damage incurred as a result of your application of the material learned in this course. The informational on this site carries no warranty or guaranty of any kind; expressed or implied.


Age limitation
Minors under the age of 14 years old are not permitted to take this course.


Your certificate
Your printed certificate may vary from the image displayed on this website. Your certificate represents that you have successfully completed the test created by our instructors for which the certificate is issued. When we issue you a certificate, we assume that you alone have completed the test. To the knowledge of our instructors, you trained in CPR. Our certification does not guarantee that you are qualified to perform adult, child, and infant first aid. First-time CPR taker is recommended to take hands-on CPR training at a physical location. It is your responsibility to ensure that our certificate fulfills the requirements as requested by an employer, institution or state.


We do not offer legal advice
Know the rules of the state in which you may be administering CPR, including Good Samaritan laws, before administering CPR. Any legal questions should be referred to an attorney.


Legal advice 

CPR Certification Pro does not provide any type of legal advice. The company recommends that everyone who administers CPR knows the laws of his or her state, including Good Samaritan laws, before providing emergency medical care. All legal questions should be directed to a practicing lawyer.

Refund policy 

If your employer or organization does not accept the certification, CPR Certification Pro will refund the certification price in accordance with the company’s refund policy.

Affiliation Policy 

CPR Certification Pro is an independent organization. We are NOT affiliated with any other organizations such as American Heart Association (AHA) or American Red Cross (ARC).